July 2024
July Schedule as of this writing July 7: Coolidge, AZ 431 E. 4th St.
Sunday 10:30 AM, 6 PM
First Assembly of God
July 20, 21: Harrodsburg, KY
‘Sat 6, Sun 11 AM & 5 PM
Assembly of God
July 27, 28: Albuquerque, NM Pentecostal Church of God Sat. 6 PM, Sun. 10:30, 6 PM
Book Review:
(From Jerome Smith, Elder/Professor, Mercy Church International, EMIBU Bible University)…
“Dea’s fourth book, REVELATION; End Times Guidance is, to me, by far his best book of them all, as I read the book of Revelation every month. Dea’s book makes it easy for the novice Christian as well as the “seasoned pro.” I actually bought several of them to pass along to friends AND enemies! It is well worth the money spent very affordably on Amazon.”
(Yes, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or at your local bookstore) or we can mail you a signed copy. Send us an email or text to order.
Dea, Thanks for your prayers! You did not know this, but today we wrapped up our vacation Bible school program. We saw many children come to Christ, either for the first time or as a rededication. The children learned that God is their friend, and we saw God move in the lives of the children each day. It was truly a week full of little miracles! Thanks for continuing to pray for us! Jennifer Millar (Children’s Pastor, Grace Church, San Marcos, California)
I am enjoying REVELATION: End Times Guidance so far. I want to read it with my husband so we both have the information. My mom seems to have gotten a breakthrough! She has been a little better with a positive attitude. She mentioned that same day that we (you there and me here) were praying that she was feeling that something was leaving her spirit. Like a feeling she never felt. It’s almost like an emptying and renewing happening at the same time. And that she felt a spirit of joy. Thank you for your prayers!
Nathan Warford’s Report…
Upon returning from Japan last month my YWAM (Youth With a Mission) team hosted a “Love Feast” This event is held across YWAM nationally as a way of showing hospitality towards those whom we have been in ministry with over the years. From the photo below, you can see where we had a gathering of people from our homeless ministries, local churches of Long Beach, and other YWAM bases. It was so encouraging to bless and share with one another.
A week later, we held a final commissioning for our new base leaders pictured below, Jonik and Elyse, on the far right. They will be taking over as leaders of YWAM Long Beach as Jonny and Nina (middle couple) lead my team to Japan for our Church Plant.
I am now currently in the process of submitting my visa! After our recent trip to Japan, the team of YWAM in the Japanese city of Taito accepted us for sponsorship! Praise the Lord! Now, we wait several months as our visas are processed.
In the meantime, I have still been learning Japanese, discipling online communities, As well as my church community in Irvine, and serving in various ministries.
In this photo below you can see me serving in my church’s ESL (English as a Second Language) ministry, working directly with people from China and Japan. I am prayerfully considering several overseas ministries in the coming months, as we wait for our visas, including serving missionally for the Paris Olympics or another China Camp, as I did last summer. Stay tuned for more details in the coming newsletter! Thank you again for giving and praying for me as I serve locally and prepare for Japan!
Your Twilight Zone
By Dea Warford
(NKJV, Thomas Nelson, 1982 used today)
One morning recently, I asked the Lord if He had a word to speak to me. I quieted my spirit and heard “Twilight.” Now, that is not a word in my useable vocabulary, though I had heard or read that word many times through the years, Yet for whatever reason, I never used it myself. So I looked it up in my online Merriam Webster dictionary for a “clue” as to what the Lord was speaking to me. Consider these definitions…
1: the light from the sky between full night and
2 a: an intermediate state that is not clearly defined
b: a period of decline
When I read those definitions, “the period of decline” really hit me hard. At my age, and dealing with my physical stamina level, I couldn’t help but think of that filthy “R” word: “retirement.’” I counseled with one of my trusted confidants, Pastor Corey Lovers, and he felt confident that it was number 2, “an intermediate state that is not (yet) clearly defined.” Twilight shows a coming transition (from nighttime to daylight). I have been preaching and writing for over a year about the Isaiah 55:5 “glory” that is coming to me and you in souls saved, glorious deliverances, and miraculous healings. It is the pursuit of “miraculous healings” that has perhaps most defined my life for over half of a century. The thought that as a 75-year-old man now in the twilight of his lifetime, to whom the Lord was possibly saying would retire soon, was completely opposite of my sense of destiny I have carried since my youth.
The Lord recently led me to study a book I’ve had in my library for decades, The Real Faith for Healing by Dr. Charles S. Price (Edited and rewritten by Harold Chadwick, Bridge-Logos, 1997). I first started reading books on divine healing when I was still a teenager. Through the years I read many books to help me better understand the keys to healing the sick (Read about that journey in my book MIRACLES ARE YOUR DESTINY). Dr. Price had a great healing ministry. He self-published The Real Faith for Healing in his later years, 7 years before his passing in 1947. It was after the Lord spoke “Twilight” to my heart that I again read the forward page to Dr. Price’s book. I quote below:
“As the years of ministry grew, Dr. Price continually asked himself, “Why have our prayers so often gone unanswered? Why are our churches filled with the sick and dying who listen to sermons on divine healing that are true to the Word and promises of God, and yet are not healed when they are prayed for?” Finally, IN THE TWILIGHT YEARS OF HIS MINISTRY (Did you
catch that?), Dr. Price found the answer and wrote this book to tell the answer to all.”
It is settled! I will have a miracle/healing ministry. Darkness has somewhat and temporarily veiled it, but it will soon be birthed! I felt so loved by the Lord that He would lead me to have this book in my bathroom for months, there for when I needed a specific rhema.
He gave ME that rhema to me just when I needed it most! Then, He gave me guidance to begin getting more evangelistic meetings. See on the front page some of the places I believe He’s sending me. Meanwhile, God has been dealing with my heart. This past year (one of the most difficult of my life!), my times in the Word and in His presence have helped prepare me to be a “carrier of the flame.”
It’s not an “if” but “When?”
Isaiah 6:2 reveals that: “Darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise (like the sun!) over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
(How long the ”twilight” will last is unknown, but the promise is that it will End! Meanwhile, in this “in-between” time, there are things we can do to prepare and hasten the sun’s rising upon us. It is revealed in Isa. 58…
6: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen.”
(The Lord will choose many to fast during the end times “twilight” when you can’t see clearly: food, TV, fiction books, sports, Facebook, etc.) 7a: “to share your bread with the hungry.” (Coming famine and financial duress may mean that the government can no longer feed everyone, and the church will have take up that responsibility and hit the streets to share with street people–not throw away food from markets but– food from our own homes!
7b: “that you bring to your house the poor that are cast out”
(Some may be required to allow “aliens” from other countries to live with us. This will, doubtless, be one of the most difficult crosses that many of us might be called to bear.)
9c: “If you take away…the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness.”
(A judgmental spirit, criticism, partisanism, and bitterness will have to be finally crucified)
V10: “Then your light shall dawn in the darkness
…The Lord shall guide you continually.”
(Note that it is “in the darkness” that light at last dawns upon us. So, it is imperative that the great darkness that is falling on America not take us unprepared. If we are doing the things that God calls us to do in the scriptures and calls us to do in our individual hearts, we can expect the Lord to “guide us continually.”
I talked this morning on the phone with an intercessor. She said the Lord had given her a word that I was moving. I don’t think that means to another US state, at least not now. Still it was confirmation that He has been moving me into a presently undefined but soon-to-be-revealed new “state” of being spiritually and in my ministry.
I also spoke with two supporters yesterday who both have flooded basements. The end is so near! What is the Lord calling you to do to prepare yourself when the “enemy comes in like a flood” in your town? A new dawn of calling is coming! Read Isaiah 58 thoroughly and expect the Lord to speak to you specific rhemas from that book…