January 2025
Warford Ministry
The holidays are a difficult time to schedule meetings with so much going on. Many pastors start looking at their schedule in January. I already have an open door in the home where Kathy and I ministered in Alexandria, VA. Another pastor is considering having me for a Tent outreach in his community. I have been praying in earnest for the Lord to open doors for me where HE wants me to go, and especially where souls will be won to him.
I was in prayer just last week and asking if He had any pastors or cities where I should reach out and offer to come. I listened for His voice and to my spirit came the word “engagement.” I looked up the dictionary’s meaning for further clarification. I joyfully discovered the first listed definition was:
“an arrangement to meet or be present at a specified time and place.”
Hallelujah! Pray with me for doors to be opened for us in and only in the “specified time and place” God wants us to be.
Special Miracles!
By Dea Warford
(NKJV used unless otherwise noted)
In November’s newsletter, I shared about the trip to Washington D.C. that my wife and I made to be at the “Million Women Esther Call to the Mall October 12.” There were so many miracles that made the trip possible:
1/ That Kathy would even want to go to such an event. She took the initiative, and I just followed her lead.
2 / I was able to buy non-stop tickets for both of us from Los Angeles to Washington Reagan airport for less than $500.00!
3/ I reserved a motel near the MALL in the town of Alexandria, VA.
4/ A generous, extraordinary gift of $1000.00 was given to Warford Ministries from a man named Bill, who had been reading my devotionals since I preached in his church in 2013. I didn’t even remember meeting him.
5/ Then, we discovered that the church where we had met was an Assembly of God Church in Alexandria, VA where he was on staff at the time. I, without knowing this, HAD RESERVED A MOTEL IN THAT TOWN!
6/ A long-term supporter, who usually gives $15.00 a month, came into an inheritance and felt led to provide Warford Ministries $3000.00. That amount ended up being enough for the entire cost of the trip, including airfare, parking at LAX for 7 days, a Motel, a rental car, and miscellaneous expenses such as food, gasoline, parking, etc., with even a few hundred left over!
7/ Bill knew a man named Bob who had been wanting an evangelist to speak in his home as an outreach to the unsaved. I called Bob, and he forthwith invited me to speak that Sat. night, about an hour’s drive from the MALL! Last month, we shared the testimony of a young man who dedicated/rededicated his life to Christ.
8/ An Assembly of God pastor in Maryland invited me to come and pray for the sick and teach his people how to do the same, so we drove up Sun. AM to do that very thing. Kathy joined me in ministry around the altar.
I have been in the ministry for over half a century, and I have never had so many surprising miracles come together so timely, beautifully, and fruitfully as they did for October 12. This is the inspiration for my SERMON OF THE MONTH. Let’s study the Word together to see that why we all can expect Special Miracles to soon begin…
‘Now, God worked SPECIAL MIRACLES by the hands of Paul so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons and the disease departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:11).
Note the phrase “special miracles.” The Goodspeed Translation says “extraordinary wonders.” Phillips trans. Says, “Most unusual demonstrations of power.” Kathy’s and my trip to D.C. and the events that made it possible were (again after my half a century of observation)
Extra…ordinary (not your usual stuff!)
Wonder…ful (Kathy and I stood in awe of
God, like observers, instead of making it happen as we had tried so hard for decades)
Most unusual (Way above the normal!)
demonstrations of power (The power to open doors, the power to provide finances, the power to save, the power to heal)
I began teaching years ago that God was about to give His church “ridiculous favor.” The D.C. experience was of this caliber. I have written before about how my daughter was getting her Master’s Degree from Regent University (also in Virginia!). She felt the Lord asked her, “What would you like for a graduation present?” She said, “To visit Paris, France, not necessarily soon, but at some time in my life.” It was not long after that that she heard from a friend she had known in Bible College. The friend and her husband had a virtually all-expense paid trip to Europe, which included England and France, that they couldn’t now take and they felt they should gift the trip to Carissa and her husband Andy. It was the perfect example of “ridiculous favor!” The Lord also gave Kathy and me “ridiculous favor” to take a trip to D.C. It was a “special miracle.”
My expectation is high! A season of “special miracles” is about to fall on me, you, and the church! My trip to D.C. was to prepare me to receive great grace from the Lord and to give me a graphic illustration to share with my intercessors, friends, family, and financial supporters. Listen for His voice! Watch the mailbox! Get ready to go places (geographically and spiritually) that in the past were but a dream!
Think of it! Just a handkerchief from Paul’s body could heal the sick and cast out devils! That was special indeed! But, that wasn’t the first extraordinary miracle in the Bible. Even the Old Testament is full of them! Let’s look at a few to build our faith to receive similar divine favor!
Special Miracles in the Bible
1/ In Num. 21:8, 9, Moses was instructed of the Lord to put a bronze snake on a pole. Whoever had been bitten by deadly snakes (as a judgment upon Israel) was healed…just by looking at the snake! (Look to Jesus, the author of your faith for your special miracle of healing-Heb. 12:1!)
2/ In Num. 22:28-30, the Lord spoke through a donkey to Balaam who was displeasing God. That supernatural voice saved Balaam from death! Believe God for a special miracle to save your life or your family by a voice from heaven.
“Hear what the Spirit is saying” (Rev. 2:29)
3/In Joshua 10:13, 14, Joshua spoke to the sun and commanded it to stand still so He could finish the battle to which God had called him. Speak to your mountain to move out of the way of your special miracle in your present battle!
4/ In 1 Kings, there was a famine, and a widow and her son were running out of food. The prophet Elijah told her what to do. She obeyed and had enough food until the famine was over. Obey God in His instructions and God will give you a special miracle to feed your family!
5/In John 2:6-10, Jesus was attending a wedding celebration where they had run out of wine. The servants followed Jesus’ directions and, miraculously, water was turned into wine. As a servant of Jesus, follow His directions and He will turn your impossible circumstances into a special miracle of blessing.
6/ In Mark 6:41-44, Jesus turned five loaves of bread into enough to feed 5,000! We call money “bread.” Lift your “bread” toward heaven and by faith bless it and believe for a special miracle of multiplication of your limited financial resources.
The above “cloud of witnesses” reminds us of what our Almighty God can do. We will need “special miracles” in the coming days. Sow seeds of faith for them now: give, pray, decree, praise!
From Nathan…
Hello dear friends, supporters, and brethren in Christ! I write you from Tokyo where I have been for over a month. Time has passed so quickly. In the past few weeks, our ministry has shifted to focus on relationships we have established. We have frequently met with those whom we are evangelizing and discipling.
One particular person is a man named Yang. We met him through our friend’s house church, and he understands much of the scriptures already. However, he has still not accepted Jesus. Through meeting with him several times, I have had the opportunity to not only share my testimony but also present the Gospel clearly to him and pray for him. I believe he is very close to accepting Jesus! Please pray for him.
Wherever we are, lifestyle evangelism is our call. Recently I was at a bathhouse ($3 entrance) where Japanese go to rest from their incredibly busy work weeks: An ideal place for evangelism. While I was there a man began speaking to me in English. As I spoke with him I learned that he lived in the US as a student for a year and had met Christians. Now he is working and is not a Christian himself, but he is interested in religion and had even read the whole New Testament.
This was an opening for me to, like Philip with the Ethiopian Eunuch, share the Gospel and my testimony. By the end, he was so moved he felt led to pray! He prayed and then I offered to pray for him and asked God for a word. God showed me that he had a busy life with a circle of many things but that God Himself wanted to be part of every circle and encouraged him to study the Bible more and visit our church.
He then proceeded to tell me that his name was Hikaru, whose name means “Light” for his mom wanted him to be a light to others. I told him as a believer I wanted to do the same! It was a witness from God!
God has, time and again, surprised us with incredible divine appointments and relationships wherever we’ve gone. He has also been burdening our hearts further for the city. We did a prayer walk and extended time of worship in Machiya, the city where we felt God calling us. While we played worship near a river we quickly realized this suburb of Tokyo has almost no churches and that Jesus had never been worshipped there.
I felt in my spirit God’s love and heart for the city and that we were doing spiritual warfare. Like Joshua, we were marching around the walls that were trapping the people. I wept as I felt God’s heart and desire to pursue them.
As a team, God has provided so much including unity, finances, future church members, and even a potential Japanese pastor! What we still lack is housing. This is where God is calling us to faith and waiting on Him. Recently, the door of the house where we had planned to hold the house church was closed. We need breakthrough and direction for the right location and place. We know He is faithful and will provide. Please keep praying!
I continue to feel truly honored and humbled by your prayers, financial gifts, and love toward me and Japan. Thank you for being a part of this pioneering journey. God is moving and you are right in the middle of it with me. If you are not already giving, please prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter.
Thank you again and I look forward to updating you with the miracles and answers to pray God has for us in 2025! Happy New Year from your Missionary Evangelist in Tokyo, Japan!
Nathan Warford
Below (in the middle) is Yang, who is close to accepting Jesus. Pray for Him.
Below (at left) is Hikaru, which in Japanese means “Light.” Pray the Light of Christ shines upon him and that I will be a light in Japan!
Below, our YWAM team is sharing a meal with the pastor of the church in Japan where our team is staying until we find apartments.
(Now, again, a note From Dea:)
Below is another example of a “special miracle…
At a fellowship dinner after a funeral today (before I was even finished writing this newsletter to get it to the printer!), I met a pastor and his wife who were at the service. We sat at lunch together. I told them about Nathan and the problems his YWAM team was having in getting a home for the leaders to start a church from that location and how Nathan and the other team members needed to know where that central location would be before they signed long-term contracts for their own apartments.
The wife explained that she had been with YWAM for 20+ years until she married her husband!
She knew YWAM workers who were in the Tokyo area. She said she would help Nathan get in touch with them to help find the facilities they need to start their first church and find nearby apartments.
Talk about a confirmation of the truth in this newsletter!
Get ready!
God will open doors for Nathan.
God is opening doors for me: funerals, tents, homes, churches…Everywhere sinners are waiting for an evangelist to help them.
God will open doors for you too! Can you leap for joy even now because God is also bringing “special miracles” to take you where you He wants you to go to do what He wants you to do?
(See picture below. I am with one of my long-term supporters and friends, Maria Esguerra. Her mother died, and I had the honor of speaking at the funeral and the graveside. There were unsaved in attendance. I shared the basics of the gospel.
It is wonderful to be where everyone listening to you is not already a believer! It’s my calling…and Nathan’s!