Dea’s February25 Newsletter

February 2025

Warford Ministries

Evangelists Dea and Kathy Warford

Dea’s schedule for February 2025

Ministry Schedule as of this writing…

Feb. 8: Gainesville, VA

Preaching Outreach from Bob Kelley’s Home

Feb. 21, 23: Meridian, ID

Foursquare Church, 6:30 PM Friday night and Saturday night, 50 W. Spicewood DR.

Prophetic dreams, visions, angels & Apostles are saying the Great Harvest begins this year! But we are to “pray it down.” There are so many encouraging signs that 2025 is the year for Warford Ministries to be propelled into new opportunities for evangelism, a new anointing, and a release of destiny for us AND for you and His church in America! Read more about it in my Sermon of the Month.

Meanwhile, please concentrate your prayers primarily on my son, Nathan, and his missionary evangelistic work in Tokyo. Read his report in this newsletter!

Encouraging Words
By Dea Warford (NKJV used unless otherwise noted)

I was almost convinced that America was about to fall and be judged, as the Book of Revelation seems to me to point out. But then, when Trump became President, I (and most of the respected leaders in the body of Christ that I follow and listen to) believe that America has a second chance and will now experience revival in the church and blessing upon the nation.

There are so many similarities in the Old Testament between how God dealt with Israel and how God has dealt with America, even from its beginnings. Consider God’s word to Israel about possessing the Promised Land:

“the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year” (Deut. 11:11, 12).

Americans are the most blessed people in history. Only Israel approaches us in such blessings. I won’t repeat all the things Christian leaders are saying (you have access to the same if you want to study them), but the signs are everywhere. I am praying to do my part in this revival in America. You do your part, too! What is that part? Well, for one thing, continue to pray:
“Ask the Lord for rain In the time of the latter rain” (Zech.10:1).

Rain represents revival!!!

The Disarmed Devil
While pastoring a church in Hawaiian Gardens, CA, I met a young man named Silver. He was a Christian and lived nearby. I invited him to join us for early morning prayer, 5-6 AM. He wanted a deeper walk with God, so he began joining us.

He recently reminded me that when he left his home to come to church, he would have to run in the dark. Near his house was an unpenned German Shepherd who would start barking and chasing him down the street every time he saw him. Silver said he ran as fast as he could and felt the Lord was giving him supernatural strength because he was always able to outrun the dog. It was such an encouragement to him.

Then, one day, the dog was waiting for him at a location closer than usual. Silver sprinted away as fast as he could, but the dog was near behind. He was so close that as Silver turned to see where the dog was, he noticed something he had never seen before…

The dog had only one front leg!

He didn’t need a miracle to outrun him. The dog was missing a front arm! (Ha, ha!).

His story reminds me of Col. 2:12: “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (the Cross!). See that?

The devil has been “disarmed.” He only has one arm. He can throw fiery darts at you, but he can’t hold a shield of protection. But you have,

“the shield of faith with which you (are) able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Eph. 6:16).

Anybody can outrun a 3-legged dog, and any Christian can outrun the devil:

“Let us run the race…looking unto Jesus…who endured the cross” (Heb. 12:1, 2).

Beat the devil to church or to a prayer meeting. Your triumph is promised!

Except for 2 Areas?
A woman came into my prayer line. I asked her what her problem was. She said,

“I’m doing fine in my Christian life except for two things: lying and stealing!”

Whoa!This is a perfect example of how distorted our perception of our Christian lives can be if we go by our own personal judgment, or compare ourselves against others we know, or by what influencers say on TikTok! The Word of God alone is our plumbline. The 10 Commandments make it clear that lying and stealing are verboten! And perhaps the most righteous man in the New Testament said concerning himself:

“I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me” (1 Cor. 4:3-5 NIV).

Feel good about how you are doing as a Christian? Ask the Lord to reveal His appraisal of your life (Keeping in mind what He had to say to the seven churches in Revelation 2, 3!). And, not feelings, not what preachers say, or even what you think the Lord saying. The WORD is the final judge;

“The word of God is sharper than any…sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit…and is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12)

Everybody has a Plan
Mike Tyson is considered one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. When asked if he had a plan for an up-andcoming fight, he said:

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

I recently had a plan, that is, until I got punched in the face. I met a pastor at a funeral. We sat together for a meal afterward. He seemed very interested in my ministry. I told him that I had a weekend opening on the last Sunday of January, and I would be happy to fly up to Sacramento and drive over to his church not far away.

His wife sat with him and had been a missionary with Youth with a Mission in Japan for two decades. I told her the problem that Nathan and His YWAM team were having finding places to rent. She informed me that she knew people in Japan who could help them. She promised she would contact them to get in touch with my son. The Pastor said he would call me.

If ever I had seen a miracle of guidance, this was it! I even bought my round-trip ticket to Sacramento, expecting and planning to minister in their church! Yet, he never called me back, and the people who “could help” Nathan and his team never reached out to them.

I was so embarrassed! I had a plan but got punched in the face! I had the air ticket, so I asked the Lord if I should call other pastors in the area to see if they would let me speak. Asking for a witness, I opened the Bible to 2 Kings 6:19:

 “This is not the way, and this is not the city.”

Could it be any clearer? So, I didn’t Phone up north. But, someone called me and gave me a meeting that very Sunday when I had planned to speak up north. And it was a local church! I got a refund for my air ticket! I was humbled, yet encouraged that God had a better plan than mine. He has a better plan for you too. Don’t get punched in the face! Let Him direct your decisions:

 “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9)

Above is Dea’s grandson, Caden (8). He read my monthly newsletter about Nathan’s and my financial needs. He had a dollar in his wallet and gave it to me for Warford Ministries!

Let “a little child…lead you.” Thank you for reaching into your wallet to help us win souls!

Nathan Warford’s Monthly Report…
Hello, and Happy New Year from Tokyo, Japan!  I trust that you are richly blessed in this New Year! I am hopeful for what’s to come as God moves in both the United States and Japan in 2025.  This year has been off to a big start for myself and my team.  Firstly, I have recently moved into a room in what is called a “share house.” I have my own small apartment and share a bath and kitchen (I’ll show you a pix on the next page). The location is perfect, being in central Tokyo and close to many of our ministry sites and friends, and the price is also very good. This is temporary until we finalize our leader’s home location and the church meeting’s location. 

Originally, our team had thought that we would all live in close proximity to a specific city of Tokyo, but now it appears that God has been spreading us out more to different corners of the city and we believe this could be very strategic as already the opportunity to spread and multiply both our ministries and church meetings is available.

As for our church, God opened the door through a wonderful Japanese family to rent out a space near the city center.  Although our desire originally was to meet in a living room as a house church, we now see that a “simple church” can look much different than we expected yet still keep its simplicity in any location.  So, by faith, we invited everyone we knew and those we had been ministering to.

Our first meeting was an incredible success! We had 27 people in total from 6 different nations such as Kenya, Thailand, Afghanistan,  China, as well as Japanese.  We also had several Japanese Christians there that we are already discipling to become leaders within the church.

Our message was on forgiveness, and afterward, many received prayer and chose to forgive others and receive forgiveness.  Afterward, we took communion and spent several hours talking and having dinner together.  It was a wonderful time and so exciting to see God answer prayer so quickly.  God has also been forming through our relationships another possible second church location in another part of Tokyo and we are in talks about our involvement with it.  This led us to think further about not only doing evangelism in the locations we have been frequenting but also in areas of the city where we have members living and established relationships.  We are praying about starting an English club as another way to connect.

Language is a need but also a challenge, as the inability to share the Gospel in Japanese can hinder the message.  God has met this need with an open door for us to study Japanese together! I have recently, along with my team, started language classes at a Christian Center in Tokyo.  The classes are intended for missionaries, and alongside grammar and vocabulary, the classes are meant to teach you how to share the Gospel, share your testimony, and love the Japanese people.  In just one week I have learned an exceptional amount of Japanese language and culture.  Our teacher will be teaching us Japanese proverbs to better connect and share our faith. It is expected that we will be able to give a short sermon by the end of the semester!

I have had multiple opportunities to meet people through our street evangelism and connect with them one-on-one.  While we worshipped in a park I met a man named Joe and shared the Gospel with him.  He was astounded by the worship and message and said that he felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.  I prayed for him, and he said he felt peace.  He was excited to connect further with our team and I invited him to our church service.  I also met with a disciple of mine called Sho.  I spent substantial time encouraging him in his walk with God and praying for him to grow in his witness at work.  He, like many Japanese Christians, needs more Christian community.  Our church is a place for him to find that! We have been sharing the Gospel and loving people wherever we go.  Please pray  for  further  opportunities  to   both   expand  and  to  focus  our ministry on the right people and places.  We want the seed sown to fall on fertile ground!  The needs here are everywhere and I can be a blessing anywhere I go, but I want to be the most effective with the time God has given me.  Please also pray for me to find the right church congregation to attend on Sunday morning’s for now.  Finally, please pray for continued power, boldness, and authority, as the enemy is still trying to stop this all from happening.  We need the Holy Spirit to empower our witness.

Thank you again for your continued prayers, giving, and partnership with my ministry.  All of the above is possible because of your direct involvement in the process! I look forward to sharing even more in the coming newsletters.

Your missionary evangelist in Christ,
Nathan Warford

Above: Team photo taken during our Ueno park outreach where we played worship and prayed for people.

Above: Our first service with 27 in attendance. Most Japanese Christian services may have 5-10, so this was a phenomenal beginning for our team.

Above: With one of my disciples, Sho.  We met and I prayed for him and encouraged him in evangelism and his walk with God. He will attend our church!

Above: My teacher and our class learning Japanese to win Tokyo Japanese speakers to Christ!

Above: My desk and refrigerator in my new little shared home apartment are not far from millions of unsaved Japanese.

Thank you for sending me, and join me in the Spirit as we agree together for souls!                   

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