Dea’s September24 Newsletter

September 2024

Ministry Schedule

Sept. 6: Acton, California
(River of Life Foursquare Church, 9:30, 3877 W. Smith)Sept. 13-15: Vermillion, South Dakota
(Faith Fellowship)Sept. 21, 22: Sterling, CO The Rock A of G Sept. 28, 29: Richland Center, Wisconsin
(The BossTown Store, sponsored by Ledman Ministries) Intercessors:  Pray for the Spirit’s leading in continuing to schedule meetings and for souls saved and bodies healed in the above meetings!

Testimonies…Our Brush, CO meetings on Aug. 17 and 18 yielded fruitful results. My Prophet Sister was with us to prophesy and teach. Her husband, Tom, who has a healing ministry, joined us also. Pastor Paul Speicher gave this report: “Great weekend at Harvest Assembly of God. Many people received healing, deliverance, and three salvations.” Following are some testimonies from Brush…

“2 years ago, I fell while walking my dog and fractured both sides of my pelvis. I could not turn over in bed! Pastor Paul and Dea prayed for me, and my pelvis was healed, resulting in absolutely no pain. Aug. 18, Dea was at our Church, The Harvest Assembly of GOD. My Pastor anointed me with oil, and he and Dea prayed for healing on my back. I had fallen out of bed on the 1st of June and had a compression fracture in my back. PRAISE GOD, I now don’t have any pain in my back. I would get up in the mornings and could hardly walk without a lot of pain. I don’t have that pain! I’m praising GOD for all the healings at our church” (Marge Crabb).
2020, I fell off a rip stick (similar to a skateboard but with only two wheels) and got a concussion (confirmed by doctors at the ER later that day). I had a cerebral fluid leak for the next six weeks. During this time, I basically had a constant headache, which seemed reasonable. However, from that time on, every monthly and bi-monthly women’s cycle, I had a debilitating migraine with light sensitivity. I attributed the timing to my hormones and just recently found some relief from applying a natural God-sent remedy (wild yam cream). This has gone on for four years. The Wild Yam Cream substantially reduced the intensity of the headaches (addressing the hormone issue), but I think there were still some underlying issues from the concussion. I received prayer while having an intense pressure headache that hadn’t quite turned into a migraine. The first time Dea’s brother-in-law, Tom Jaramillo, prayed, there was little effect, but then he said he was seeing a “blank release.” At the same time, I was seeing this blankness that’s hard to describe. He prayed again, and the pain lifted. It hasn’t returned since.’ (Katrina Fogler: Brush, CO)

Becky Luton, from Claremore, OK reported:
“I finished your new book, REVELATION. it was very good. So good! And real! it was something that I could understand.”
Order your copy today of REVELATION; END TIMES GUIDANCE  through
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your local bookstore for only $12.95. Or order a signed copy mailed to you for $20.00. (Text or email us now while you are thinking about it!)

September Report from
Missionary/Evangelist Nathan Warford…

There are new developments with my Japan YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Team. We held our second Japan prayer night, which was open to our supporters and friends. We prayed over the nation, its people, and specifically the needs of the Church there. The prayer night was a powerful time to share and pray with God’s heart together for this nation. We also detailed further plans for our church plant. In the coming months, I will lay out more of the specific needs for this church plant and the challenges Japan faces. Let me share a few more statistics that detail why Japan needs more churches and, ultimately, more discipleship…

  • Less than 1% of Japanese Christians attend church regularly
  • 95% of Japanese have never even heard of Jesus
  • Average size of Japanese churches is 20 people, with far fewer regularly attending
  • There are more pastors in Japanese churches over the age of 80 than under the age of 30
  • Japanese churches are very territorial, and disunity is typical between churches

As you can see, Japanese churches, like their society, are rapidly aging, and many churches have no one to take up the mantle to become the new pastor someday. They desperately need the discipleship of new leaders to bed raised up in the body to grow existing churches and start new churches to reach more cities for Christ. Our goal is to meet these needs and more.

I also was a guest speaker on my team member’s YouTube channel podcast, where I shared my testimony, my walk with God, and my teaching and mission’s experiences. It will be released next month. Speaking of YouTube, our team is currently looking at how we can use the platform to further reach people in the church with the needs of Japan and hopefully raise up more missionaries. Our team’s vision is to “Connect the Church to Japan; Japan to Jesus.” Please pray that I can continue participating in this vision while I am in California awaiting my Visa to finalize so we can head for Japan! There have been unexpected and unavoidable delays in getting our Japan Visas. Thank you again for your patience, prayers, and support!

(Above: YWAM Leader shares at the August Japan Prayer Meeting)

(Above: Nathan giving his PowerPoint presentation at the meeting)

From Dea: Warford Ministries is partnering to support Nathan’s missionary/evangelist calling. On the pledge form at the bottom of the next page, be sure to designate the gifts you feel led to send for him along with your usual pledges, etc.

Notes from an Evangelist’s Desk

by Dea Warford

Many nationally respected prophets are saying extremely hard times are coming to America. I wasn’t even thinking about this, but in my prayer chair, I asked the Lord if He had anything to say to me, and I heard the word “chilling.” Not understanding what the Spirit was saying, I checked the dictionary. I didn’t like the meaning, but Chilling = “gravely disturbing or frightening.” I warned so much about this coming season in my new book, REVELATION; End Times Guidance. The Revival we have been praying for is coming too, for sure. The wonderful meeting we had in Brush, CO was a sign of that. Yet, we must also be ready for war, financial collapse, weather catastrophes, etc. READ MY BOOK! God revealed to me over 4 decades ago that my primary ministry would be for the last short years of time. I believe I will reap a great harvest. The church will also! Yet He also called me to warn God’s people and show them how to prepare. Ready or not, the end is coming! HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO THE CHURCHES!
Listen especially to what He is saying you should do!

SALVATIONS!  I came across one of my Newsletters from August 2002, 22 years ago! It had a picture of a group of young adults with their heads bowed, praying at an altar. The explanation read: “In Darby, Montana, a group of 18 young adults, visiting the church from a trade school camp in the area, made a first-time public decision for Christ. The pastor baptized eight the following Sunday. This is my heart’s desire and my calling. I believe for the Lord to guide me to open doors around America where he strategically will arrange for sinners to show up and get saved. Pray and believe with me for this!

Dea’s LotI saw something in my devotional Bible reading of Psalms 16:5: “O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.”  An angel told Daniel that in the end times, he would “stand in thy lot.”  The NKJV calls Daniel’s lot his “inheritance.”  I know that I have an inheritance. My “lot” is to reap a harvest of souls in the last days. I received a new revelation about that “lot.” Notice David wrote, “You maintain my lot.”  We went to Disneyland again recently. A number of the rides were closed, and some even fenced off. Employees were doing “maintenance” on the “lot.” They were repairing and/or improving many features of the rides. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LORD HAS BEEN DOING IN MY LIFE (and probably yours too!). As I have written, in early August of 2023, I came down with an infection that affected my sinuses and caused a lot of fatigue. It slowed down my ministry, allowed me less traveling, and affected our finances considerably. It was a very humbling experience. I was not able to DO all the things I wanted to do. Yet, I could spend quality time in the Lord’s presence. I listened, and I heard from Him. I discovered wonderful new gems in my times in the Word. The Lord did some “repair” in areas of my emotional and spiritual life. I am a different man! I am not perfected. But like a Disneyland ride that after its maintenance is ready again for people to ride, I believe I have been “repaired” enough that I am about ready to “open.” I am so expectant and so full of hope. 4 weekends in 4 states are scheduled in September. Thank you for sending me with your financial sacrifices and intercessors pray for lines of people, like at Disneyland, coming to get saved, healed, and delivered for the ride of their lifetime!

Vote!…50% of Evangelical Christians are NOT registered to vote. If every saint would vote November 5, we could elect all the best candidates and pass all the right measures, local, statewide, and nationally, and see righteousness established in our land, sparing America (at least a little longer) from its long-overdue judgment! Aren’t sure who to vote for or how to vote? A website is available to you, supported by CBN and TBN, Mike Huckabee, Dr. Ben Carson, and Dr. David Jeremiah, all Giants in our evangelical faith! Go there and take note of the issues at stake and persons recommended to help save our nation!

Distractions…In 1 Corinthians 6:35, Paul wrote to the church that he desired “that you may serve the Lord without distraction.”  In 2 Cor. 2:11, Paul also warned about ignorance concerning Satan’s “devices.” Oh, has Satan birthed many devices to distract Christians today. I saw a graphic example the last time I was in the gym. While lifting weights, I counted how many large screen TVs were bolted all around the walls. There were 17! Then I heard the loud Rock and Roll Music, most of which I despise! (That’s why I wear earphones to either listen to worship music, one of my favorite Bible teachers, or the Book of Revelation read out loud). Added to these distractions were many women joining the men to exercise. Most of them wear very tight-fitting and revealing outfits. Children don’t use the gym, but they have their distractions at home: TVs, video games, and online media. Adults have all the above plus supporting their kids in their sports programs. Note that Paul didn’t mention “sin,” just “distractions.” If Satan can’t get us to sin, he will, at least, distract us from things of eternal value!

Things like church attendance, Bible reading, edifying books, fellowship, and prayer. The KJV brings additional insight into 1 Cor. 6:35: “that ye may ATTEND upon the Lord without distraction.” Today’s many distractions keep Christians from giving church proper attention. Today’s Christians are plagued with ADHD…ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER!

Soon coming events are about to cure many from this disease caused by distractions! I explain how this will happen in REVELATION: About the Future! It seems nearly every pastor I talk to on the phone about coming for meetings tells me how church attendance has waned, especially since COVID-

19. Two things can change that demonic work: 1/ Revival; 2/Judgement or both simultaneously!

       My wife told me today she talked to a young adult who teaches at her church. She asked him if he was going to vote. He said he never votes! He is on social security for disability and doesn’t follow political developments. Ironically, this election could result in his social security being taken away! I encouraged my wife to convince him to vote. Think about it! If every Christian would convince just one non-voting fellow believer to vote on Nov. 5, that would mean every Christian would vote! Do you know one you can convince? It is kind of like witnessing. Sinners don’t concern themselves with salvation because of all the distractions. It is your job to preach the gospel and convince them of all that is at stake! Likewise, give more attention to the coming election. Otherwise, it could be our last! Yet, whatever happens on Nov. 5, Matt. 24:14 will be fulfilled: “This gospel…shall be preached…unto all the nations, and then shall the end come.” Thank you for sending me to CA, CO, SD, and WI to preach the gospel and sending Nathan to Japan!

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