Dea’s November24 Newsletter

November 2024

Ministry Schedule

(as of this writing)
Nov. 3: Whittier, California
  (The Crossing, 8410 Washington Ave. 10:30 AM)
Nov. 10: Bellflower, California
    (Mercy Church, Kiwanis hall, 9302 Laurel St.)
Nov. 16, 7: Family Wedding
(Carissa’s widowed Father-in-law in the Sacramento California area)

Intercessors: Pray for the Spirit’s leading in continuing to schedule meetings and for souls saved and bodies healed in the above meetings!

The pastor of the Parkton, MD Assembly of God wanted me to help release his people to be more of a healing church. I briefly shared with the congregation about their authority as a believer and had them pray over those near them who were in pain. One woman had not been able to raise her arms above her shoulders for two years! She came to the altar and showed the congregation how high she could raise her arms after they prayed for her. This was likely the first miracle some in the congregation had ever seen. I trust Warford Ministries did our part to encourage people to believe God can use the average believer, not just evangelists or pastors.
(Her Picture is below) 

Kathy was with me and gave words of knowledge and prayed and counseled with women. It was wonderful to see how the women were coming forward to have her pray over them. In God’s timing (pray it will be soon!), we expect to travel the nation together as a team!

Kathy felt led to join the “Million Women on the Mall” at Washington D.C. God brought many witnesses that this trip was indeed from Him! Two supporters gave generously enough to pay for the air tickets, motel, rental car, and all other expenses. Below is just a glimpse of the tens of thousands of people who gathered for a day of fasting, prayer, and worship for America. The Washington Monument symbolized the founding principles of our nation’s Father, George Washington. America has a destiny. Pray! Vote November 5! Read how to vote from one leader in the church in a few moments…

I just heard Dutch Sheets today say that He believes that October 12, at the D.C. Mall, was the day that the promised recovery of America’s destiny to release the church to its calling, and the restoration of our republic began! The prayers and decrees that our Christian founding fathers made when they arrived on our shores and planted the cross of Christ now is ours for the taking. Kathy and I were there! Kathy and I have a destiny to spread the gospel around this nation in the coming years! You are part of that through your prayers and support. And you also have a right to expect your destiny to at last be fulfilled. You are a Christian and an American “for such a time as this.”

While in the Washington area, at a home meeting in Gainesville, VA, this young man dedicated and rededicated his life to the Lord. He was so excited and wanted to know how he could be a missionary or an evangelist! 

Mario Murillo’s Post Oct 21, 24

Christian leaders in the body of Christ and many secular leaders are saying this November election is the most important of our lifetimes and maybe in the history of America! I have tried to not be too political, but Lord tarrying, my grandson’s well-being is at stake. I could tell you how I think you should vote and why, but someone smarter and of larger influence in the body of Christ sent something that should cause pause for every voter, Republican and Democrat.

(Following is a copy of a post that Evangelist Mario Murillo sent out. This is just one man’s opinion. But in case you don’t know much about him, Mario was at the forefront of the Jesus movement in the late 60s and early 70s. He has authored a number of books and is a sought-after preacher in many of the larger full-gospel churches throughout America. He is presently setting up his tent that seats thousands in some of the neediest areas of our nation. He is one of the smartest (and proven) voices in the church today. He is not afraid to be canceled by the far left or pastors who are afraid to tell their congregants how to vote. Consider his words…

“Kamala just told Christians they should not vote for her. Her exact words were,

“You are in the wrong rally.” 

How does that equate to, “If you are Christian, you should not vote for me?” Here is the explanation.

It happened at her Wisconsin rally. While speaking, she declared the glory of abortion. The crowd, which had been subdued till then, began cheering wildly in favor of killing babies. When the cheers died down, a man in the crowd shouted,       
“Jesus is Lord!”

 Kamala taunted the man by saying, “You are in the wrong rally.” The man had said nothing against abortion. The man wore nothing ‘MAGA’. The only thing she knew was that he was a Christian. The crowd cheered again, apparently thrilled to know that Christians are not welcome in their Party.

But there is something more significant. As I said, the man wore nothing to show that he was a Trump supporter. This makes what she said even more blatant. She is telling us that Christians belong in the Trump campaign but not in the Democrat campaign. Her insult of Christians began the day before. Harris had offended Catholics by skipping the Al Smith Dinner. The one dinner political candidates running for president must never miss.

 This was not a harmless snub. It speaks to something much deeper. Rachel Murray is an advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, (you know, WOKE). In her article, Silence is Complicity she said, “Not showing up means that even if you aren’t actively taking the side of an aggressor, you are implicitly doing that.” Here is a video of that moment in the Harris rally:

 Kamala’s insults are strategic. She is an aggressor against the Body of Christ. Her tactics are straight out of the handbook, Rules for Radicals by the late communist, Saul Alinsky. By not showing up for the Al Smith dinner, her aggression is implied. But in Wisconsin it is right out in the open. If she wins, the phrase, “You are in the wrong rally,” will turn into “you are in the wrong religion”, or “your child is in the wrong home”, or many other things that will suddenly be ‘wrong’.

Kamala’s insults are strategic. She is an aggressor against the Church.

Do you want to know what I think? I think that God in His mercy let her blurt this out. Now you know Christians aren’t welcome in her world. And therefore, Christians won’t be welcome in her plans for America.

I believe God did it for the Christians who are on the fence. Or—God forbid—are going to vote for her. If Jesus is your Lord, there is no way you should vote for her.

I am not saying that, Kamala Harris is.

Natural Disasters

Both Christians and sinners suffered during the terrible recent hurricanes. God always gives grace to his children, but as I have written before, there is strong scriptural precedent for being prepared when possible. Kathy and I are preparing for national or local calamities. Amazon, Costco and Sam’s clubs sell in bulk. But, just your corner market could help you stock up with things that could bless you and your family in worst of times…

Water, a water purifier Generator for short term, rainwater collection system, emergency medical kit, rice, pasta, canned food (keeps for years and can be eaten without heating, if unavailable), peanut butter, salt, honey, sugar, powdered milk, powdered eggs, powdered cheese, instant potatoes, coffee, flour, yeast, vitamins, lighters or matches, candles, flashlight or lanterns, wood to burn, extra blankets, extra sleeping bags, ammunition, fans for hot climate, hand sanitizer, toilet paper (remember COVID19!), soap, shampoo, toothpaste, razors, bottles of bleach, bottles of white and Apple Cider vinegar (both disinfectants), battery powered radio, extra batteries, solar chargers, trash bags, tarps, pocket knife, hammer, an axe, a shovel, work gloves, warm socks, extra supplies for your pets, lots of cash at hand, gold or silver, Bibles. Dried beans, oatmeal. Secured windows and doors, a barking dog, a gun (or at least something that makes a loud noise like a gun). Lots of printed out Bible verses for guidance, strength and promised safety. Pray, believe, vote for the best, yet prepare for the worst.

(The above are excerpts from Michael Snyder’s book Get Prepared Now)

Nathan flies to Tokyo, Japan November 4

As I write this, I will soon be leaving for Japan. I am incredibly excited for what God will do! Packing, selling, planning, and meeting with people are all parts of my schedule now as I prepare to leave. Upon arrival, we will be meeting with all our Tokyo YWAM (Youth with a Mission) partnerships in a major meeting to discuss future steps. Our biggest prayer need continues to be for our apartments, particularly for an apartment or home with a living room space big enough to host our house church meetings. Also continue to pray for protection from the lies of the enemy, favor with our sponsors and those whom we will meet, and a safe journey to Japan. Thank you again for your prayers and financial support. When you hear from me again, I’ll be excited to share with you from Japan what God is doing!
Below, Nathan joyfully shows his 5-year Visa which finally was accepted and processed by the Japanese government. He (and other YWAM members) now have plenty of time to plant works, and freedom to return to America for personal business, vacations, etc. and then head right back to Japan without any delays.

(from Dea…) We are grateful for those who gave generous one-time gifts through Warford Ministries to help send Nathan as a missionary/evangelist to one of the neediest places on earth. But now, what he needs most, are those who will pledge monthly gifts so that he can best determine his monthly and annual budget as a full-time missionary. Would you please prayerfully determine what you can give and then fill out the pledge form below and send it to us right away? Like all missionary gifts, this is a demonstration of your love for lost sinners, a step of faith, yet not an ongoing obligation. Click on the Donate button below and your pledge will be taken out automatically each month. And we will send you a tax-deductible receipt for your gifts.

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